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Clubs and Activities

Eastern Christian School offers many clubs and activities for our students. Below, you will find general information regarding some of these opportunities at the high school campus. 


American Sign Language

The purpose of this club is to further our sign language knowledge to communicate with others who cannot speak or hear. Also, to provide us with a more diverse perspective on the world. We hope to serve others in the ASL community with our knowledge. 

Student Requirements:

Potentially participate in activities involving the use of our sign language knowledge outside of school hours. Contribute to the lessons and participate in conversations. Find guest speakers to come and share their own stories with ASL. The group would start by learning the alphabet and numbers to have a base of information. Then it could be moved to learning more simple phrases and eventually up to more complex signs. 

Anchored Bible Study
  • Membership to Anchored is unlimited
  • All grades are welcome to participate
  • Anchored meets Mondays during SOAR in room 304
  • All members must be GIRLS

Anchored is for all female students desiring a closer relationship with God. It is a place for female students to feel welcome and valued. We explore what it means to be a woman of God in our society today while also building community and relationships. Meetings may include discussion of Scripture, videos, conversations, testimonies, writing, art, etc. Our goal is to learn more about our individual identity as a daughter of Christ and also about how to better love others.  Members should be respectful, open to others, and passionate about how to be a godly teenage girl in our school and society. 

Art Club
  • Membership is limited to 24 students
  • All grades are welcome to participate
  • Art Club meets during SOAR
  • Admission is by application. Applications can be obtained from our club leaders or facilitating teachers. Applications should be completed by the first month of each semester.

The Art Club members will be working on personal projects, collaborative murals, and competitions. Students will be required to attend all SOAR meetings or bi-monthly lunch meetings for those involved in the music program. One personal art project is required for an art contest of choice. Students are to be involved in a group/community art project as well as participating in an art project committee until the project is completed. Those who apply should be seriously interested in art or serious about getting better at making it. 


  • To increase creative opportunities for students who are currently not involved in an art class. 
  • Establish a creative community for feedback and critiques on personal works. 
  • To encourage individuals to grow in reflection of God given vision for art.

Student Requirements:

  • One personal art project (for submission to an art contest of choice).
  • One group/community art project (example: school murals/set design).
  • Dedication to a chosen art project committee until completion.
  • Contribution to fundraising 
  • Attendance of art club field trip to MOMA/Guggenheim
  • Maintaining a positive and encouraging environment for your peers and their artwork.

Come explore the art of baking. Weekly meetings challenge students to bake at home with different challenges, ingredients, methods, and recipes. And of courses, there is plenty of time to taste and celebrate what gets baked!

Chapel Tech Team
  • Students in grades 10 through 12 are welcome to apply
  • Chapel Tech Team meets all year during Chapel on Wednesdays
  • Membership is limited to 6-10 students
  • Chapel Tech works skillfully behind the scenes to support the Worship Team with any audio/visual needs so that God is glorified during Chapel. We strive to be invisible – we know that we are doing our job well if no one notices we are there. Anyone interested needs to be willing to learn and take direction, think under pressure, and be responsible to take good care of the equipment. Applications are accepted in the spring for the following school year. 
Chick-fil-a Leadership Academy

Chick-fil-a Leadership Academy is a great opportunity for students to grow leadership skills through a partnership with a local business.

This program seeks to:

  • Engage students where they are with what interests them. Through a combination of inspiring storytelling and technology, we create compelling ways for students to re-imagine leadership and what is possible.
  • Expose & introduce students to new and unique ideas and insights. Positive stories of impact are all around us. We bring these stories to light through monthly Leader Labs that highlight inspirational and informational ways to make a difference.
  • Equip students with tangible tools for their leadership journey. Ideas demand action, and we know our students have the ability to change the world. Our approach helps put students’ ideas into practice to positively impact their local communities.

Applying this training, the CFA team designs 3 fundraisers throughout the year to benefit their chosen recipient. 

Class Councils
  • Each class has its own Class Council.
  • Admission is open to all students
  • These councils operate all year long
  • Membership is approximately 15-20 students per council
  • These councils meet at lunch every other Wednesday

Class Council members are selected based on applications which are handed out the first week of school, and are due back during the second week of school. Class Council exists to create events that serve both students within Eastern Christian and outside of the school. Any student who desires to be a part of creating community within the school and has a passion for helping others through service events should apply.  In senior year, all accepted class council members are also required to help plan and execute select senior events. For more information, see the Head Class Sponsor for each class.

Content Creators Club

Unleash your creative potential by designing, creating, and distributing compelling content that links brands and their customers.

Brands are seeking innovative ways to interact with customers in our rapidly evolving digital ecosystem, employing content to raise awareness and influence consumer choices. You will have the ability to create material that will enable you to create a community, share stories, and amplify your voice whether you are trying to create, manage, or become a brand. 

We’ll work with you to develop an authentic personal brand, uncover your voice, and utilize analytics to pinpoint your target audience so you can tailor your content to appeal to a specific demographic. You’ll compare free vs. paid content, look at the variety of planning tools at your disposal, and discover which platforms to leverage for optimal effect, engagement, exposure, and money.

You will also learn about the business sides of video production, including how to monetize it and the legal and ethical issues involved in product promotion, as well as how companies and agencies work with artists as partners, producers, and brand ambassadors.

You’ll join our Creative Studio, a skills program that will allow you to develop your talents in areas ranging from digital photography to copywriting and video creation. You’ll grow your portfolio while learning the technical skills needed to flourish as a creative leader and influencer, thanks to access to industry-standard facilities, software, and professional equipment.

Courtyard Gardening
  • Membership is unlimited
  • All grades are welcome to participate
  • Gardeners meets from August to November, April to June, and with Courtyard Garden Interns from June to August. 
  • Sign up for SOAR or come to a workday to be included

The Courtyard Gardens were created through volunteer efforts to provide a beautiful space in the center of the school for contemplation, worship, and growing in an awareness of the Lord’s blessings towards us that we can share with others.  We do this through maintaining our flower beds, and by growing vegetables and herbs that are used in classes, in the cafeteria, and donated to local food pantries. Come join us as we use our hands in service to the Lord, to each other and to our community! No particular skills are necessary, though – we’re happy to train! 

Dancers With a Purpose

The purpose of this group is to lead others into worship through dance and to praise God through dance. The club strives to embrace community among the club members. They strive for excellence in dance and performance. They develop responsibility by diligent practice and by being well prepared for every performance. Student members are required to practice and learn the dances. They are also required to help with choreographing dances.

Debate Club
  • Membership is currently unlimited
  • All grades are welcome to participate
  • Debate Club meets during SOAR

Debate Club offers students the opportunity to explore different perspectives of contemporary topics while expressing their own views, listening to others, and discerning what they hear. Topics are chosen before each week, allowing students time to research the topic and inform their personal view. During meetings, students share research and their views and engage in a controlled debate about the topic. There is no application process, but Debate Club is for students who are open, respectful of differences, attentive listeners, and passionate about contemporary issues. 

EC Innocence Project

The EC Innocence Club is an extracurricular club whose purpose is to educate ourselves and our peers, advocate for the wrongfully convicted, and raise money for the Innocence Project.

  • Education: educating ourselves and our peers about wrongful convictions and the judicial system
  • Advocacy: raising awareness by conducting outreach to our community to influence legislation and public policy; write letters to councilman, congress, newspapers
  • Fundraising: in coordination with local organizations, raising money to support the work of nonprofit Innocence Network affiliates
EC Students for Life

Members of EC Students for Life work to save lives threatened by induced abortion, euthanasia, and the destruction of human embryos for research. In furtherance of these goals, members seek to promote respect for life at Eastern Christian and on a local, state, and national level, to educate on life issues, to help those in need so that life is a promising choice, and to work with others who share common goals.

  • Up to 10 students can participate
  • Any grade is welcome
  • The club meets September to November, March to June, during SOAR
  • No application is needed – just sign up for the SOAR

Fishing Club is about creating a group of people to share and develop a passion for the outdoors, specifically around fishing. It is a great way to get intimate with God’s creation and connect to a tradition that has been around for hundreds of years. We usually spend time practicing casting outside, or, in the event of poor weather, we watch professional films centered around the sport.

French Culture
  • Typically about 20 members
  • All grades are welcome to participate
  • French Culture meets on Tuesdays during SOAR all year
  • Sign up when you sign up for SOAR

Come to French Culture to practice German and learn about German culture with others who love France. Members should have an interest in the French language and culture.

German Culture
  • Typically about 20 members
  • All grades are welcome to participate
  • German Culture meets on Tuesdays during SOAR all year
  • Sign up when you sign up for SOAR

Come to German Culture to practice German and learn about German culture with others who love Germany. Members should have an interest in the German language and culture. 

Hearts and Hands Club


  • To plan and organize service acts and create opportunities for people who want to give back to the community/ gain FIA.
  • Help people in need, serve others, plan community-wide events, show compassion and empathy for people in need, develop responsibility for running events and planning, and contribute to the kingdom of God. 

Student Requirements:

  • To be in the Heart and Hands club, attend the SOAR weekly.
  • Club members do not necessarily have to attend the actual events, but they organize the events. They also have priority in being selected to attend an event.
  • Club members are part of the planning and advertising, but remember you will not receive hours for that. 

HOSA is an international student organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education (HSE) Division of ACTE. HOSA’s two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people.

International Student Leadership and Ambassadors

There are 4 clubs within the International program:

  • International Student Leadership (30-40 members, all grades, must be International students)
    • Leadership is broken up into 4 teams – Technology, EC Vision, Communications and Events Teams 
  • International Consul (8-10 members, all grades, selected by program director)
  • Ambassador Team (30-40 members, all grades, must be domestic students)
    • Ambassador Team students must attend approximately 65-75% of events (either in-school or out-of-school field trips) and be willing to participate in group international discussions.
    • Ambassador Team consists of domestic students who reach out to our international student population. 
  • Ambassador Leadership (2-4 members, all grades, selected by program director)

Ambassador Team consists of domestic students who reach out to our international student population. There are 3 levels (each level requiring more commitment). The 1st level is Ambassador Team which enables the student to attend both in-school events and out-of-school field trips with the international students as well as take part in any group discussions held by our EC Visions Team. Ambassador Leadership requires a 1 time per week commitment to attend International Leadership Meeting which meets every Monday during lunch in addition to attending International Program events and field trips. International students can be a part of the International Leadership Team which requires a 2 times per week commitment-every Monday for International Leadership meeting and one other time for their individual team meeting (depending upon which team (i.e., Events, EC Vision, Communication, Technology) team they are in.  International Senate meets every other Thursday and is responsible for moderating the international leadership teams and deciding upon the entire program’s vision for the year. It is the highest level of leadership and commitment in the International Program.

Korean Club

The purpose of this club is to make Eastern Christian a more welcoming place and bridge the gap of misunderstanding between Eastern and Western cultures. Asians are underrepresented and incorrectly viewed in society and the differences and separation lie no further than a lack of knowledge of each other. Moreover, this club will aim to neutralize stigmas and help international students feel more respected, comforted, and understood.

Literary Journal

The EC Literary Stewards team works to foster and motivate students towards their love for the Humanities and Arts through gathering Creative Writing, Art, and Reviews from the school during the winter and spring season to publish it into a collective Literary & Arts Journal. During SOAR, students work to compile, draft, organize, format, and edit the journal before it is officially printed and distributed during the school year.

Math Club
  • All grades are welcome to participate
  • This club operates all school year long
  • This club membership is not limited

The Math Club is an organization consisting of students interested in improving their problem-solving skills and participating in regional and national Math competitions representing Eastern Christian School. Math club provides opportunities for students to participate in nationally and internationally recognized Math competitions. Math Club students will take on average over two competitions every month and selected members get a chance to compete outside the school.  

Math Club provides academic club activity opportunities for students by discussing Math problems and competing in and outside the school. Participating in the Math Club is a great way for students to develop intuitive thinking skills and learn new types of math. Students will apply their previous knowledge from school to fun and challenging problems. Furthermore, they will learn to view math not as a set of rules or guidelines, but as an art and logic. Math is a subject full of creativity and opportunity that many students could enjoy. 

Besides the academic benefits, the math club is also a great way to develop teamwork and/or leadership skills.

Model UN

In Model UN, students act as delegates to the United Nations and simulate United Nations committees. Model UN conferences allow students to learn about diplomacy, international relations, current world issues, and the UN itself. Students also develop skills like research, public speaking, debating, writing, critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership.

Musical & Drama Productions
  • Admission is open to all students (50-100 students typically participate in each production)
  • Most years, ECHS presents one musical production and one drama (play)
  • Fall production rehearsals typically begin in September with shows in November
  • Spring production rehearsals typically begin in January with shows in March
  • Most rehearsals are held after school and involvement in productions does sometimes mean students will forego other opportunities.

Productions at EC are STUDENT productions. All actors, musicians, crew (stage, tech, costume, make up, design, construction) members are students. Working together these students create productions that are presented to the EC community. The production team will make sure that all students are placed according to their skills and strengths. Our productions have room for actors, singers, dancers, as well as behind-the-scenes talent in stage management, costuming, and set design to name a few. Auditions are held for stage rolls, and applications may be received for other involvement. At least one of our productions each year is no-cut meaning that we will find a way for every interested student to be involved. 

National Honor Society
  • Membership is limited to students in 11th and 12th grade
  • Membership is unlimited
  • NHS meets all year long
  • NHS meets at different times, often during lunch and in evenings, or as requested.

This is a nationally recognized society that universities recognize for students with outstanding achievements in 4 specific pillars. The process is fully explained to invited students each September. The best thing for students to do to prepare themselves is to maintain a high GPA, remain in competitive courses and to focus on the 4 pillars. The 4 pillars that the students are inducted based upon are: Character, Academics, Leadership and Service. Students will be invited after a series of requirements are met. They cannot request entrance. 

Outdoor Adventures Club

This is a community-building club with a focus on nature and spending time outdoors. We will learn how to appreciate the world that God has given to us and how to become better stewards of His creation. The Outdoor Adventure Club was formed for students who enjoy participating in outdoor activities such as hiking and kayaking. The club offers an opportunity to reconnect with nature and each other as we plan and go on various weekend trips throughout the school year.

Recycle EC

Recycle EC’s purpose is to provide stewardship of God’s creation, increase students’ awareness on environmental issues, minimize waste, and support other environmental organizations. Recycle EC’s center of attention is on embracing community by distributing posters and spreading awareness on environmental issues, which provides people with the information needed to help the earth strive. Recycle EC develops responsibility by taking accountability for the effects we humans have on earth and figuring out ways to lessen the negative impacts humans have on the environment. Recycle EC has also focused on serving others through bake sales, when we raise money and donate to organizations helping the earth.

Robotics Club
  • Membership is around 15-20 students
  • All grades are welcome to participate
  • Robotics meets Mondays & Wednesdays 3:15-5:00 & Saturdays 9-11 in Room 405.
  • Applications are taken at the start of the school year and are closed about 2 weeks after school is in session.

Robotics Club participates in FIRST Robotics, a worldwide competitive robotics league. Each year, we build a robot to meet a specific challenge. Each member has a unique role, and meetings are very energetic, with jobs being completed in all sorts of areas. Robotics Club has jobs for students interested in engineering and coding, but also business management, website design, video production, social media, and more!

Student Senate
  • Admission is open to students in grades 10 through 12
  • The Senate meets all year long
  • Membership is 12 students
  • The Senate meets every other Wednesday at lunch in room 305

Student Senate helps coordinate whole-school student activities, approve and support class council initiatives, and grow leadership skills in students. We plan the homecoming dance and Culture Week, and we assist in other major events. Students who are interested in having a voice in how the school is run should apply for this club. Admission is by application, and applications are distributed and collected in the spring for the following school year. Interested candidates should have a passion for leadership and a proven track record of responsibility. For more information, see the high school principal.

Timothy Group Leader
  • Membership is limited to 22 members
  • Members must be in 11th grade (but apply in 10th)
  • Timothy Group Leaders meet for training in spring of 10th grade and meet with groups fall of 11th grade. They also meet during SOAR or lunch once a week
  • Membership is by application. The application is available during late February and early March of sophomore year

Timothy Group Leaders are students who mentor a small group of Freshmen for the first 10 weeks of school and help them make the adjustment to high school. TGLs are leaders with integrity, organized, spiritual leaders, & socially comfortable. 

Transition Mentor
  • Typically, we have 5-10 mentors but fluctuates based on need
  • Members are in 10th through 12th grade
  • Mentors are selected based on application. 
  • Mentors don’t have meetings. Instead, they meet directly with incoming transfer students.

Transition Mentors meet with new students are help them make the transition to a new school. They discuss clubs, sports, rules, etc. and so, they should have a good knowledge about the rules and things happening at EC. 


Valor is a bible students for young men. Students will explore what it means to be a man through the lens of culture, media, and ultimately the bible. Whether you like sports, music, hiking, video games, or anything in between, this group aims to give young men confidence and direction to the men God wants them to be – the men they were created to be. 


Voces is open to all! It is not only for people of Hispanic or Latin American descent. Our mission is to inform, entertain, and empower the students who participate as well as the entire student body! Voces Club is an opportunity to educate students about the diversity of Hispanic/Latino cultures, to share stories and experiences of different backgrounds, and to empower our Hispanic/Latino community within and outside of the club. The club will also touch base on important discussions that have affected our cultures throughout society such as immigration, racial discrimination, and language. For non-Hispanic/Latino students joining, the club is an opportunity to expand their knowledge and embrace the Hispanic/Latino culture at Eastern Christian School. Everyone will take part in our mission through education, food, dancing, music, service projects, fun events, and more! Together, we will become the Voces of Eastern Christian High School.

Worship Arts: Chapel Band
  • Membership is unlimited
  • Between 12 – 20 students are involved each year.
  • Chapel Bands meets most often for rehearsal outside of the school day, and occasional lunch meetings or some after school team building.
  • Auditions are held at the beginning of each semester. Pay attention to Block 2 announcements for more information on auditions.

Worship Arts: Chapel Band exists to lead the community in music worship during weekly chapels and at other events, gain training and development of musical and leadership talents God has given them through service to the community, explore and discover their role or vocation in musical worship and the larger Body of Christ, develop a more intimate personal relationship with the Lord through their service and the chapel bands community. Interested students need to be musically gifted and dedicated to serve with a heart of a worship to be a part of the Worship Arts: Chapel Band team.

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